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Media to

Use Media to Accelerate Disciple-Making Movements

Media to Movement (also called Media to Disciple-Making Movement, M2M, or M2DMM) is a relatively new strategy that uses media to reach hundreds (or even hundreds-of-thousands) of people instantaneously with a culturally relevant Gospel message. M2M allows missionaries to cast a wider net and encounter seekers on the platforms they’re already using to find answers: Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc.

Today, most of life’s questions are answered online (over 5.6 Billion searches happen on Google each day), the question is, who is providing those answers? M2M is an important strategy that positions missionaries to relate to seekers in a modern context and meet them with the saving message of the Gospel in the right place at the right time.

Meet Seekers with the Saving Message of the Gospel in the Right Place at the Right Time

Social media platforms are available and widely used in almost every country. Many countries may not have running water, but they have internet and phones. The world has never been more connected. How will we use this modern phenomena to grow His Kingdom?

Some of the early pioneers of M2M were working in a closed-access country among Muslims. They knew there were seekers in their country, but how would they ever find them? Their prayers for an answer led them to lay the groundwork for the M2M strategy. Their implementation of M2M lead to new believers, new baptisms, and new churches after years of bearing no fruit.

Media to Movement relies on a foundation of prayer. Each field that implements this strategy first grows a prayer base, then they begin to cast their net. When seekers show interest, they are discipled using 3-Thirds Groups. M2M isn’t replacing any part of the Disciple-Making strategy, it’s simply a tool to help teams expand their reach and share the Gospel with more people.

Are you ready to cast a wider net and begin to share the Gospel with more people?

What if you could place the right message, in front of the right person, at the right time?

Begin Using M2M

You can learn the basics of M2M and how to get started through free online courses available on Kingdom.Training.

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